Pauric Grimes wants players to better understand why they have poor performances.
Steven Poacher – MacRory Cup teams are over-trained
April 7, 2017
Steven Poacher is concerned about over training of MacRory cup players.
Steven Poacher – More thought needed on re-starts
March 26, 2017
Steven McDonnell says more thought needs to go into re-starts.
PG the PT – Are you wasting your time in the gym?
March 25, 2017
Pauric Grimes suggests that some athletes aren’t doing the right exercises to achieve their goals.
PG the PT – This will keep you injury free
March 18, 2017
Pauric Grimes explains how to stay fit during the pre season.
PG the PT – There’s more important things than weights
March 11, 2017
Pauric Grimes says players should think as much about movement and flexibility as they do about weights.
PG the PT – Hope for players over 30-years-old
March 4, 2017
Pauric Grimes gives advice for those players who are over 30.
PG the PT – Hamstrings too tight?
February 25, 2017
Pauric Grimes explains why it is important to be careful with a tight hamstring.
John Morrison – Avoid dictating what is the right form
February 24, 2017
John Morrison explains why repeating a skill may not always be best practice in coaching situations.
PG the PT – Adapting to senior level
February 12, 2017
Pauric Grimes addresses an issue that young players face when they are stepping up a level.