This Friday myself and Conor, one of the other great coaches from The Edge, are taking part in a fund raising initiative supporting those working on the front line of the fight against Covid-19. “Getting Fit to help the Front Line Fight” is the brainchild of Killyclogher based trainer, Paddy McGrath. He’s done incredible work […]
Pauric Grimes: The ins and outs of online coaching
“I’m going to open my final four slots up to the readers of the Gaelic Life!” In the first of a four part series I’m going to clue you in on the ins and outs of online coaching if that is a route you’re contemplating going down. I’ve been on both sides of the fence […]
Training Zone – Key advice for coaches, managers and players
Training Zone is providing invaluable expertise for coaches, managers and players during the current coronavirus crisis.
Fantastic on-line coaching offer from Pauric Grimes
Pauric Grimes has an offer for those who want to undertake an online training programme, and who want to write about it.
Avoid these online spending traps when lockdown training
Pauric Grimes says that there are some deals online that may not benefit you.
Pauric Grimes: Now is the perfect time to make a change
IT’S a month from I made the tough call of closing the gym, little did I know four days later the government would make the blanket statement that all gyms would have to follow suit. What that means for most of you, the super smug home gym crew withstanding, is that you haven’t had access […]
Pauric Grimes: Getting the body right is key before playing return
There are ways to get a headstart on it all
PG the PT – Effective work-outs with little to no equipment
Pauric Grimes has some great advice for training with no gym equipment.
Pauric Grimes: For a lot of people the message is being shrugged off
Just because the gym is shut doesn’t mean you’re unable to train
Skills development can’t be an afterthought
Players can be rusty during pre-season challenge matches but there are ways of getting around this