THE off-season brings a welcome rest from the demands of a long competitive season in GAA. It’s a time to recover from a tough and long season, allow the body and mind to recover and generally enjoy some time off. The GAA season is arguably one of the most demanding sports in the world with […]
JOHN McMAHON: Off means of – Give your mind and body a break
November 12, 2024
FOR most clubs their players they are now finished all competitions and their seasons have now ended. What should the GAA player focus be now? The off-season brings a welcome rest from the demands of a long competitive season in GAA. It’s a time to recover from a tough and long season, allow the body and mind […]
PG the PT – You’ve got a big chance to develop
October 14, 2017
Pauric Grimes discusses what your atttitude should be in the off season.