ULSTER GAA: The role of the chairperson

A CLUB chairperson has been entrusted with responsibility for “leading” the club. A chairperson’s leadership should encourage participation by all the club volunteers in club decision making and acknowledge the roles of others. Ideally the chairperson should be someone who has time to put genuine effort into the job, has a clear understanding of the […]

ULSTER GAA: Sub-committees and the importance of sharing the workload

ONE of the most effective methods of sharing and delegating work in the club is through the appointment of sub-committees. The appointment of sub-committees is a valuable way of involving and interesting a large number of club members in management and policy making by giving them a definite part to play in the life of […]

ULSTER GAA: The role of the club chairperson

A CLUB chairperson has been entrusted with responsibility for ‘leading’ the club. A chairperson’s leadership should encourage participation by all the club volunteers in club decision-making and acknowledge the roles of others. Ideally the chairperson should be someone who has time to put genuine effort into the job, has a clear understanding of the importance […]