
Kevin Cassidy

KEVIN CASSIDY: My social media blackout

I AM not sure of the actual date but I think it was during the Paris Olympics. I was sat on the couch flicking through my Twitter and Instagram feeds and I found myself getting really frustrated.

The reason for my frustration was the amount of accounts popping up on my feed that I did not follow.

Most of these accounts were so called “influencers” or “content creators” but in my eyes they were halfwits and idiots that I had no interest in what they were saying or pretending to say.

When I signed up for these apps back in the day, it used to be fun. I mean, Twitter was excellent for staying in touch with what was happening in the world in terms of news and sports but now even most of the news that is on it is all fake.

It was also a great way of staying in touch with guys who you may have played with or worked with down through the years.

Fast forward to nowadays and 90 per cent of the people on there are trying to sell you something or sell a “fake life” that in reality doesn’t exist.

I suppose I just reached an age where I cannot tolerate idiots anymore. The idea of people coming up on my feed who I didn’t ask to follow and watching them carry out these silly self-help and motivation videos or those people who do those cringe worthy TikTok videos just isn’t for me.

I am old enough and I have been around enough corners to know that no one on this earth has the perfect life.

We all have our ups and downs and each and every one of us have our own burdens to carry. Show me a person who says that they have the perfect life all the time and I’ll show you a liar.

Life is about ups and downs it’s what makes and shapes us all. We need to be able to identify this ourselves and work that out instead of taking life advice from some fella behind a laptop smiling at you with his brand-new teeth he just got in Turkey.

These influencers and motivational speakers make money from your stupidity. I can guarantee you that if I sit down with you for two pints, I have enough experience and have been around that many corners that what I will tell you is actual life not made-up bullshit.

My advice will help you a lot more than the one you pay a monthly subscription for.

My point here is that all of those people on these social media platforms are selling false hope. We as people need to take a step back and take control of our own lives.

How many of us have young sons and daughters growing up do we really want them to be controlled or influenced by these egotistical lunatics?

Like I said, I used to love social media and used it a lot for a bit of craic and also for business but lately the craic has gone out of it.

I deleted my Twitter and Instagram app back at that time and I haven’t looked back since. When I am at home, I am no longer bombarded by these silly videos that only frustrate the living daylights out of me because I know that they are all full of shit and nonsense talk.

I do miss the days of back-and-forth slagging on Twitter when there was no other agenda only putting across your opinion and maybe debating a certain topic with someone else.

But, for me, it got to the stage where the cons heavily outweighed the pros so the delete button was pressed.

Anyway, I sat down here to write about the Donegal County Final but on my way into the office a fella asked me why I came off Twitter so there you have it folks. Anyway, long story short, St Eunan’s by 4+.

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